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Flowers of the Future / Bamboo Installation Art


在《賓士純電新篇章》的「潘朵拉雨林」中,藝術家林靖格延續先前備受矚目、取竹生花的概念與技術,將竹材堅韌、多產的特質透過精緻的手工編織客製出一朵朵華麗、絢爛的花朵,伴隨著場域後方大型螢幕中循環播放的翱翔天際和川流不息的瀑布風景,一同揭示著 Mercedes-Benz 身為先鋒汽車品牌的核心信仰——致力創造人類、機械與自然三者和諧共生的理想之境。

現代科技與自然生態有可能彼此支持嗎?外放的華美與純粹的本質有可能同時存在嗎?當竹花盛開的藝術創作與嶄新的 Mercedes-EQ 純電車款齊聚一堂,共享「固碳」、「減碳」、「零碳排」的行動關鍵詞時,人類未來的生活的樣貌已如花般綻放、電般輕巧地在顯現於此刻現在,等待你我的希望匯聚成動能,一齊感受繁盛共榮、美善共生的新篇。

When people learn to cherish the fleeting moment and diligently work for nature’s sustainability, the hope that Pandora protects will eventually blossom into the flowers of the future.

In “Pandora’s Forest” for Mercedes-EQ’s new chapter, the artist Lin Ching-ke continues the concept and technique of the highly acclaimed bamboo flower-fabrication, hand-weaving bamboo stripes and turning its resistant and prolific quality into gorgeous and colorful flowers. Along with the large-scale backdrop showing scenery of skyline and waterfalls at the venues, it reveals the core faith of Mercedes-Benz as a pioneering car manufacturer and brand – to create an ideal realm where human, machine and nature coexist in harmony.

Is it possible for modern technology and nature to support each other? Is it possible for the external beauty and the pure nature to exist at the same time? When the artistic creation of bamboo blossoms and the brand-new Mercedes-EQ models come together to share the key words of "carbon sequestration," "carbon reduction," and "zero carbon emission," the future of human life is now appearing like flowers and electricity, waiting for our hopes to converge into power and to experience the new chapter of prosperity and coexistence of beauty and goodness.

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