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聽,燕子在說話Listen, the swallows are talking / Bamboo Installation Art


Listen, the swallows are talking / Contemporary Bamboo Installation Art



展覽空間中,你可看到以竹篾、白紙雕塑而成的家燕,在人們既熟悉又意想不到的北投街景和文化符號中——關渡宮的燈籠、三連棟的鐵窗花、0077 機車服務人員的安全帽、屋簷下的鎢絲燈泡、建物的門牌、幾乎融入日常生活的監視器——出沒現身。家燕築巢、產卵、覓食等生態活動,詼諧地點亮在地人文的角落,同時對應著風水寶地、福氣興旺之寓意,彷彿你我的人生切片,召喚一幕幕追求幸福、溫暖、親密、互相扶持等家庭價值的想像。


When walking along the streets in Beitou, have you ever looked up and seen a swallow’s nest? Watching swallows go back and forth their nests and feed their nestlings, do you also heard a happy and sweet murmur embraced by the nesting sites.

The barn swallow migrates to Taiwan during summer. Due to the local government and the community's effort, the first swallow trail was built in Beitou. The landscape of flying swallow and nests underneath the storefront overhangs has become a characteristic of local streets. In response to this unique scenery, artist Lin Ching-ke uses the image of barn swallows and their ecology in his bamboo art practices to reflect our feelings and emotions about home, family, and house. Meanwhile, he also sorts out his life experience of building a family, marrying his wife, and having children in Beitou.

In the exhibition space, you will see barn swallow sculptures made of bamboo strips and white paper. These swallow sculptures appear in familiar street scenes and Beitou's cultural symbols unexpectedly—lanterns of Guandu Temple, window gratings of traditional townhouses, helmets of the 0077 Motorbike Service staff, incandescent lamp underneath the overhangs, doorplates of buildings, and the surveillance cameras which are almost integrated into our daily life. Barn swallows' activities such as nesting, egg-laying, and feeding vividly light up corners of local cultural scenes. The presentation also echoes the symbolic meaning of feng shui and prosperity as slices of our lives, summoning imagination to pursue happiness, warmth, intimacy, mutual support, and other family values.


Let's seek and observe barn swallows in our familiar street scenes to hear the music of home played in our hearts from the natural or artificial swallowing humming.

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