Project N
Project N /
Contemporary Bamboo Installation Art / Taiwan artist
以竹篾編織出一朵朵華麗絢爛的花朵,展現New Balance與自然的永恆共鳴。
本創作以台中市的市花——山櫻花為靈感,將竹子的靈韻與品牌精神交織於一體。通過錯落有致的設計手法,將層層交疊的竹編山櫻花綻放於櫥窗之中,展現出山櫻花的柔美與堅韌。部分花瓣與纖細的花絲染上了象徵NB GREY的經典灰色彩,這些精心安排的色塊 在特定視角下會幻化成一個驚喜——New Balance標誌性的「N」LOGO。
此作品不僅是對台中市象徵花卉的深情致敬,更巧妙融合了NB GREY對經典與穩重的堅持,超越時尚潮流的更迭,完美展現出品牌一貫如初的精神與恒久的品味。
Weaving gorgeous flowers by bamboo strips to demonstrate the eternal resonance between New Balance and the nature.
Inspired by Taiwan cherry, the municipal flower of Taichung City, this artwork connects the spirit of bamboo and the concept of the brand. Through a well-proportioned design approach, the bamboo-woven Taiwan cherry is overlapping and blooms in the showcase, displaying its softness and resilience. Some petals and filigree are dyed in the classic gray that symbolizes NB GREY. From certain angles, these elaborately designed color blocks transform into a surprise, the iconic ''N'' logo of New Balance.
This artwork not only pays a soulful tribute to the symbolic flower of Taichung City, but also ingeniously integrates the insistence of NB GREY on classic and steady. It surpasses the ever-changing trends of fashion and perfectly shows the brand's enduring spirit and eternal good taste.
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